“I am a beloved son of God.” This might sound like a Sunday school song. Yet if more men grasped its full meaning, we’d become a force the Church hasn’t seen in decades. That’s because:
- Sonship defines your identity as a man.
- You are called to be like God your Father.
- God empowers you for prayer and virtue.
“I am a beloved son of God.” This might sound like a Sunday school song. Yet if more men grasped its full meaning, we’d become a force the Church hasn’t seen in decades. That’s because:
- Sonship defines your identity as a man.
- You are called to be like God your Father.
- God empowers you for prayer and virtue.
Monday's topic:
Relationships. Specifically, how to love as a man in God’s image and likeness.
Yes! My self image flows through the Father. I am his son because he is my Father. I am a man because he is my God. I am an heir because he is my King…. Wonderful teaching… Peace to you and your family as well as progress in your mission!
Thank you, Matthew. I am grateful for your prayers. We are blessed to serve. Might you be blessed in your journey.
This is one of the most inspiring talks I have ever heard. In a few minutes a whole new vision of life has opened to me. It is truly God inspired. Thanks.
Praise God. Thank you, Chris. I am humbled by your comment. All honor and glory be to the King of kings. You are in our prayers. – John
This was a most awesome talk. Too often we let the world define who we are, so your talk really helped place things in right context and order. We are his sons, never to forget this. Looking forward to more wonderful talks and blessings on this mission of your!!
Thanks so much, Paul. God bless you.
Is a cost involved for this?
Hi Wb, thanks for the question. Yes, there will be a cost involved. In addition to being able to get all of this great content, it also supports the ministry so that we can continue to grow and provide more and more content. It will be free for Priest, Religious, and Seminarians. And, thanks to the support of donors we have been able to greatly drop the price. Blessings to you!
Amen. John, I have needed to hear and reflect on this. Thank you for this message.
Thanks, Scott. God bless you!